La-Tweez Pro Illuminating tweezers review

You get tweezers and then you get the Rolls Royce of pluckage and that can only be La-Tweez Pro Illuminating tweezers, hands down.

La-Tweez Pro Illuminating tweezers, R279, selected salons and

These babies come with a built in light so you can see what you’re doing and that flicks on by pressing a regte, egte crystalised Swarovski element. This makes tweezing your brows at night (which is the only time I ever really get the time) a total dream. I also like that they come with their own little case (it’s got a little mirror in it!) so they’re not going to go all stomp and bleh from rolling around in your make-up bag, as was the fate of my old tweezers.

See the little mirror in the case?
See the little mirror in the case?


It doesn't look it here but trust me this light is bright. You can literally see every hair, even at night.
It doesn’t look it here but trust me this light is bright. You can literally see every hair.

The only negative I can think of is that the actual case feels a little flimsy and is probably going to crack at some point, but the actual Tweezers themselves are rock solid.If you’re looking for a fab gift for the poppie who has alles already, this is it.

Love, love


P.S. Sorry to have been scarce this week. I’m currently travelling between Port Elizabeth (the P of E) and Graaf-Reiniet with the fam. The latter is crazy beautiful and you follow me on Instagram (@lipglossgirlx0x0) you’ll have seen a few of my pics.

2 thoughts on “La-Tweez Pro Illuminating tweezers review

  1. Loooove the fact that there’s a light! There’s nothing worse when travelling than not realising that your brows gone a bit wild due to bad lighting in hotel rooms…

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