Beaute Pacifique Creme Metamorphique

Ever heard of Beaute Pacifique? For those in the dark, it’s a Danish cosmeceutical brand founded by a bunch of v. clever scientists who also happen to develop advanced dermal scanners.

As a result, they make use of fancy Dermascan machine that allows them to take a peep deep into your epidermis. This helps them figure out which of their lotions and potions will best delay your demise into oldsville.

Last year, while beauty editing for Women24, I gave the scanner a bash at one of their media launches. I remember it well because all their reps babbled on about my wondrous wrinkle-free skin then shut up fast when my scan revealed I actually have a fair bit o’ dramz going on beneath the surface – mostly thanks to stress, sun damage garnered in my teens and a two year tangle with evil chronic meds. Apparently, it meant I might be oh so ravishing now, (Leigh pouts and flicks her hair…), but could well be a nasty case of ‘raisin face’ just waiting to happen…

Horrified, I listened intently to the specialists who whipped up a defensive skincare prescription that included Beaute Pacifique Crème Metamorphique, R870,00 for 50ml. Essentially, it’s an effective anti-aging cocktail consisting of two types of vitamin A and promises to repair and thicken the collagen fibres deep within your skin – within just one week! (They say their scanners have proved this, and with continued use, things are supposed to just keep on getting better and better).

Alas, I left Women24 before my face-saving grace arrived, but now, as fate would have it, I’ve been given a second chance at my dream of an old age spent flirting with the hotties on my son’s rugby team.

Check it out:

Beaute Pacifique's wonder cream, Creme Metamorphique

The cream arrived yesterday and I applied it for the first time last night. My initial impression is that it could be a little too heavy for an oily-to-combo lass like myself. However, as I’m to only use it before bed, this doesn’t really worry me. I also looove that it comes with a ‘tip’, saying to only use it every second day for the first 8 days ‘to let the skin adjust to the large amounts of vitamin A’. Any cosmetic that comes with a warning as to it’s potency, like, totally delights the let’s hit that fly with a hammer’-streak in my nature…

So, I’ll be merrily slapping on this potential wonder room for the next month and will let you know how it goes. It claims to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, correct sun damage and improve elasticity, so wish me luck.

Love, love


X x

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