Diorskin Nude Compact Gel Natural Glow Creme-gel makeup review

Hey girls

As you know, I was given a nice whack of Dior goodies the other day. I’m slowly making my way though the pile and think they’re all utterly fabulous, but I definitely have a few favourites… like Diorskin Nude Compact Gel Natural Glow Crème-Gel makeup, R530,00.

I love how luxuriously heavy this compact feels...

Must say, I’m v. v. glad that this was given to me as it’s just not something I would ever try on my own – I tend to associate crème compact foundations with heavy, cakey, tricky to apply coverage. This baby, however, couldn’t be further away from all that.

A lightweight cream-gel texture, it blends like a DREAM and dries to a perfect your-skin-but-better powder finish. Coverage-wise, it’s deliciously sheer and leaves my skin looking even-toned and radiant. (I do mean it when I say ‘sheer’ though – it’s not going to cover a hideous blemish, so, if you’re spotty, you’re going to need to invest in a bit of concealer).

Initially, I worried that the colour I was given, 030, was one shade too dark for me, but this has definitely worked in my favour. As the coverage is so diaphanous, it ends up adding a healthy, radiant-looking glow to my skin, much like a tinted moisturizer. (If you didn’t know, you can you can get away with going a little deeper when it comes to skin tints…) I also like that the finish really does lasts and lasts and doesn’t sink into the fine lines around my eyes. (According to Dior, it makes use of a new technology that allows the texture to imprison incredibly concentrated ‘Active Mineralized Water droplets’ to keep you looking dewy and fresh).

It comes with a double-sided applicator sponge – the velvety side picks up lots of the product, making it easy to apply to your skin, while the sponge side is to help you blend it in. Regardless of which side you use, it goes on nice and sheer, but I personally prefer to use an ellipse-shaped make-up sponge that I buy at Dis-Chem. It’s got a slanted curve that makes it easy to get into my eye sockets and around the sides of my nose.

Anyway, next time you’re near a Dior counter (preferably their sexy new one at the Waterfront) be sure to give this guy a bash. Just make sure you’ve got your credit card handy ‘cos he’s going to suck you in with his dashing good looks and crazy-good performance.

X x

P.S. Just looked at the back of my compact and see it also boasts an SPF of 20. Love that!

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