Sushi networking dinner

The other day I got invited to a ‘sushi networking dinner’ via Marianna Boguslavsky. As it turns out, Marianna’s an ex-PE girl like me, but now works in online marketing. She also likes to organise little get togethers where she invites an interesting mix of peeps who can swap contact details over California rolls.

Myself, Cath (Cath Cakes), Nicole and Kayley (Love Bites).
Marianna (Boguslavsky Sisters), Tori (Kiss, Blush and Tell), Cara, Elmari (Cheviot Publishing) and Karin.

This was Marianna’s third networking dinner and the guests included a couple of her friends who also work in various online-related positions as well as bloggers like me. In fact, as it turned out, I already knew most of the bloggers at the table, namely Kath Cake (check out her brill macaroon recipe over here) and Tori from Kiss Blush and Tell. I also enjoyed seeing Elmari from Cheviot Publishing again (we’d bumped martini glasses as a Glamour bash a while back) and getting to meet Kayley from Love Bites, a gorgeous-looking foodie blog.

Thanks Marianna, this was fun. And I was wrong about Takumi, it’s not quite as shite as I remembered and that spinach dish was the shizz.

Want to organize a networking dinner of your own? Get hold of Marianna on  She and her sis also have a fashion blog that you can check out over here.

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